- 出去吃晚餐如何? How about going out for dinner?
- 出去吃晚餐如何? How about going out for dinner?
- 如何 what
- 吃 eat
- 我没时间准备晚餐,所以我们得出去吃。 I didn't have time to prepare anything for dinner so we have to go out to eat.
- 你觉得用速食快餐包做出一顿丰盛的晚餐如何? How do you think about making a great dinner with prepared food?
- 出去 go out
- 出去吃吧,你有意见吗? Do you think it's a good idea to eat out?
- 晚餐 supper
- 嘿,办完这事之后,和我一起找个地方共进晚餐如何? Say, how about joining me for dinner somewhere after we get through with this?
- 吃喝 regale on
- 吃完 to finish eating
- 吃东西 feed
- 昨天晚餐如何?长城游览你觉得如何?你的旅行还好吗?今早的交通怎样? How was your dinner last night? How was your day at the Great Wall? How was the journey? How was the traffic this morning?
- 出去吃午饭 went out to lunch.
- 不管如何 howsoever
- 吃饱 eat one's fill
- 烛光晚餐 candlelight dinner
- 吃药 take the medicine
- 进晚餐 sup