- 出了名有些什么感受? How does it feel to be famous?
- 出了名有些什么感受? How does it feel to be famous?
- 1984年有个癌症病人喝了鲜草汁后痊愈了,从此这个草就出了名。 It became famous in 1984 when a cancer patient recovered after drinking fresh grass juice.
- 中国的法院经常专断判案是出了名的,这意味着其对法律的实施及合约的强制执行有些时候会丧失原则,变化无常。 Courts in China are known to be often arbitrary, which means that enforcement of laws and contracts is sometimes capricious.
- 哎呀,那就太糟了!钱包里都有些什么? Oh dear! That's terrible! What was in your wallet?
- 声誉和随之而来的令人兴奋的赞扬强迫着这个出了名的人走近穷途末路。 Fame and the exhilarating celebrity that accompanies it, force the famous person to participate in his or her own destruction.
- 像“为希望工程捐款”、“向灾区人民捐款”、“无偿献血”等等,当时你有什么感受? Examples might be "Endow for the Hope Project", or the "Endow for the People in Adversity", or even giving blood (without pay).
- 克里虽然年轻,却已在许多领域出了名。 Young as he is, Kerry has become famous in many spheres.
- 有些什么甜食? What kind of desserts do you have?
- 希腊人是出了名的不守规矩的司机。常把汽车停在人行道、轮椅坡道、甚至医院入口处。 Greeks are notoriously unruly drivers leaving their cars on sidewalks, wheelchair ramps and even hospital entrances.
- 让我们看看今天菜单上有些什么菜。 Let us see what is on the menu today.
- 彼得弯下身去在费利克斯耳边低声说了些什么。 Peter leaned over and whispered something in Felix's ear.
- 她的耐心是出了名的。 She is renowned for her patience.
- 早餐有些什么? What is for breakfast?
- 一听到有人叫“救命”,他冲出了房子。 Upon hearing shout of " help ",he bounced out of the house.
- 火车不准点是出了名的。 The trains are notoriously unreliable.
- 份饭都有些什么? What is there in the table d'hote?
- 他对这个现象给出了一个似乎有理的解释。 Provided a plausible explanation for the phenomenon.
- 你们有些什么葡萄酒? What kinds of wine do you have?
- 他这个人只顾个人利益,都出了名了。 He was well-known for his habit of always looking out for number one.