- 决赛是怎样进行的? How was the final played?
- 您能向我们介绍一下贵公司的合作生产活动是怎样进行的吗? Could you fill us in about the manufacturing cooperation of the firm?
- 尽管最初的比赛都是个人项目,但海报上宣传这次决赛是团体比赛。 While earlier races were all about individual performances this final event was billed as the team event.
- 有朋友告诉我,说不定决赛是在韩国队和日本队之间进行呢。 So I was assuming that Korea and Japan will meet in the Finals.
- 对于进口货物你们是怎样进行检查? How do you stipulate the inspection for your imports?
- 过去的整整一年中这位年轻的妻子是怎样使她丈夫不沾一滴酒的? How did the young wife keep her husband off alcohol all last year?
- 决赛是法国队对巴西队。 It is France versus Brazil in the final.
- 有朋友告诉我,说不定决赛是在韩国队和日本队之间进行呢。 Brian: so I was assuming that Korea and Japan will meet in the Finals.
- 我们去看看做咖啡的机器吧!看看这些咖啡是怎样制成的。 Let's go and look at the machines now and see how it is you make all these coffee people love to drink.
- 达赖集团是怎样进行分裂活动的 How Does the Dalai Clique Carry Out His Separatist Activities?
- 如果可以的话,我想纠正一下您说的话:在我国,在职培训是依法必须进行的。 If I may, I'd like to correct something you said: in my country, in-service training is compulsory by law.
- 露天开采是怎样进行的? How is surface mining carried out?
- 我来给你演示这台机器是怎样操作的。 Let me demonstrate to you how this machine works.
- TIO还提供了跟踪服务器环境部署的能力,这样,用户就可以知道服务器是怎样部署的,以及服务器部署是为哪个用户进行的。 TIO also provides the ability to track deployments of server environments, which allows a person to keep track of how and for whom a server deployment is carried out.
- 议会在这些危险的日子里应怎样进行工作,也需要加以指导。 Parliament also required guidance about the conduct of its work in these dangerous days.
- 如果你愿意听一会儿,我就讲讲防盗警报器是怎样工作的。 If you will lend me your ear for a minute, I will explain how the burglar alarm works.
- 案例教学是怎样进行的呢? How Does the Case Method Work?
- 上面附有目录,我不知道你们到底是怎样得出那笔数字的。 Here's a kind of list attached, but I can not make out how on earth you have come to this amount.
- 计算机是怎样进行通讯的? How do computers communicate?
- 对那个城市的描写缺乏地方色彩,因此你无法知道生活在那里是怎样一番景象。 The description of the town lacked any local colour that would have let you know what it's like to live there.