- 典型例子有哪些呢? So what do you think the more common myths that surround us?
- 你认为典型例子有哪些呢? So what do you think the more common myths that surround us?
- 决定汽车安全系数的因素都有哪些呢? What are the factors contribute to the safety of a car?
- 这类应用中典型的例子有文字编辑软件、表单软件和电子邮件应用。 Good examples of this type of application are word processors, spreadsheets, and e-mail applications.
- 世界比赛又有哪些呢? What about some world tournaments?
- 他的行为是愚蠢的典型例子。 His actions are a monument to foolishness.
- 那攻击技术又有哪些呢? And what are the skills of punching then?
- 备有 stock
- 保有 tenure
- 有时间 free
- 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。 This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency.
- 抱有 possess
- 有竞争力 competitive
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 有误 wrong; mistaken
- 没有信心 self-distrust
- 怎么会呢 How come ...
- 直接税的典型例子是所得税和印花税。 Examples of direct taxes are income tax and stamp duty.
- 你知道气垫船比飞机有哪些优点吗? Do you know what advantage the hovercraft has over the aeroplane?
- "他这个星期脾气很不好。" "是呀,不过请注意,他最近病得很厉害呢。" "He has been very bad-tempered this week." "Yes, but mind you, he's been rather ill just recently."