- 兰波:你爱我么? Arthur Rimbaud: Do you love me?
- 阿希礼:那东西你爱它胜过爱我,只是你不知道。 Ashley:Something you love better than me,though you may not know it.
- 假如你爱我,你要保持镇静,不要恐惧;要鼓足全身力气,沉着行事。 If you love me, reassure yourself, and call all your strength and presence of mind to your aid.
- 王对称为伯提沙撒的但以理说,你能将我所作的梦和梦的讲解,告诉我么? The king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, Are you able to make known to me the dream that I have seen and its interpretation?
- 对了!你还从没有对我说过你爱我呢! That's right! You haven't told me that you love me yet.
- 你的手下,你的手下一直以来都能指望得上你,一直以来你可有支持过我么,这又怎么说? S: Oh, yeah, your men, your men have been able to count on you. Why is it that you've never been there for me?
- "只要你爱我"混音版 On The Set Of"As Long As You Love Me"
- 门徒对他说,你看群众拥挤你,还说谁摸我么? And His disciples said to Him, You see the crowd pressing upon You and You say, Who touched Me?
- 亲口对我说你爱我。 I need you to tell me that you love me.
- 我么感觉很近,却咫尺天涯。我对她的爱似乎怪异。 Me's feels so close but yet so far Me's love for her seems bizarre.
- 因为你爱我-席琳迪翁 Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion
- 就是你把我推给别的教练,这也算是保护我么? You gave me away, how is that protecting me?
- 你能明天告诉我么?"夏瓦斯询问道,带着几分焦急。 You will tell me tomorrow?"Shavas inquired, with a touch of impatience.
- 当金黄的太阳升起来,第一次照上/你爱的盟约,我就预期着明月 The first time that the sun rose on thine oath /To love me, I looked forward to the moon
- 当金黄的太阳升起来,第一次照上;你爱的盟约,我就预期着明月 The first time that the sun.rose on thine oath ;To love me, I looked forward to the moon
- 妈妈,我是如此地爱你。我对曾让你失望感到抱歉。谢谢你总是那么爱我。 O Mom,I love you so much. I'm sorry for the times I let you down,and I'm thankful that you always love me.
- 上帝爱我。---不,我认為你会成功是因為你确实很努力。 Someday up there loves me. ---I think you are successful because you work really hard.
- 我爱你爱了那么久,在你身边快乐无比。 And I have loved you so long, delighting in your company.
- 罗克珊:别转移话题,说你有多爱我。 Roxane: You give me milk instead of cream. Say how you love me.