- 六点钟行吗? Will 6 o'clock be all right?
- 六点钟行吗? Will 6 o'clock be all right?
- 你看七点钟行吗? Is seven o'clock all right with you?
- 6点钟行吗? Will 6 o'clock be all right?
- 每钞钟行数 lines per second
- 今天早晨我六点钟醒来。 I woke up at six this morning.
- 晨祷时间进行这种礼拜的时间,一般是一天的第一个小时或早上的六点钟。 The time appointed for this service,the first hour of the day or6 a.m.
- 他们每天早晨六点钟升旗。 They hoist the national flag at six o'clock every morning.
- 她的功课行吗? Is her schoolwork up to scratch?
- 我们六点钟坐下来吃饭。 We sat down to dinner at six.
- 你行吗? Are you any good?
- 时钟刚刚敲过六点钟。 It has just gone six.
- 不过,她为自己定了一条雷打不动的规矩,即每天晚上六点钟给她的孪生子打电话,祝他们晚安。 But she did make it a golden rule to ring the twins at six o'clock every evening to say goodnight to them.
- 我妈妈每天六点钟起床。 My mother gets up at six o'clock every day.
- 她六点钟到达那里。 She got there at six.
- 约在9点钟你看行吗? Will a 9 o'clock appointment be ok for you?
- 请六点钟叫醒他。 Please wake him up at six.
- 你五点钟来行吗? Would it suit you to come at five ?
- 第二天早晨六点钟,我就同一队大约四十名青年一起出发。 Next morning at six I set out with a squad of about forty youths.
- 我六点钟结束工作,然后去了饭店。 I finished working at six and went to the restaurant.