- 公共汽车是多久一班? How often does the bus run?
- 公共汽车多久一班? How often does this bus run?
- 对不起,下一班到波士顿的公共汽车是几点开? Excuse me. What time does the next bus for Boston leave?
- 我刻意的让自己的嗓音听起来很优雅,然后问接下来的那辆公共汽车是不是去哈提斯堡。 Taking care to pitch my voice to politeness, I asked about the next bus to Hattiesburg.
- 我明白了,这火车多久一班,你知道吗? I see. How soon will the train come,do you know?
- 公共汽车是无人售票车。从前门上车的时候,投一元钱到金属的票箱里。 The bus has no conductor on it. When you get on from the front door, drop one yuan into the metal box.
- 这电车多久一班? How often does the tram run?
- 买第三辆汽车是一笔不必要的开支。 A third car was a needless expense.
- 这火车多久一班? How often does the train run?
- 伦敦的公共汽车是红色的,邮箱是红色的,邮车也是鲜艳的红颜色。 The buses are red, the letter boxes are red, and the mail vans are all bright, bright red.
- 车子多久一班? How often does it come?
- 这辆公共汽车是去天河城的吗? Is this the right bus for the Tianhe City?
- 短程巴士多久一班? How often is the shuttle bus operated?
- 你要是有辆汽车就不受火车和公共汽车的支配了。 If you have a car you are independent of trains and buses.
- 这些火车多久一班? How often do the trains run?
- 那辆公共汽车是去希尔顿饭店的吗? Does that bus go to the Hilton Hotel?
- 走这条路线的公车隔多久一班? How often do the buses run on this route?
- 公共汽车是如此拥挤,我被挤得动弹不得。 The bus was so full that I was jammed in and couldn't move.
- 这辆公共汽车是去芝加哥的吗? Is this the bus for Chicago?
- 这是一家在这个城市的公共汽车服务方面拥有独占权利的厂商。 This is the firm that has an exclusive franchise to offer bus service in the city.