- 全是真皮的吗? Are they all made of real leather?
- 这是真皮的吗? A: Is this real leather?
- 你的夹克是真皮的吗? Is your jacket real leather?
- 全选 check all
- 这件看起来不错。我想会非常适合他的。它是真皮的吗? I think it will fit him perfectly. Is it real leather?
- 显然他们全是好心肠,要我们像他们爱我们那样去爱他们。 Clearly they all have hearts of gold and want us to love them as much as they love us.
- 这是真皮的还是塑料的? Is this real leather or plastic?
- 全是农民。 朴实的、小康的、可爱的、自有主意的农民。 All of them were peasants: simple, prosperous, lovable peasants with minds of their own.
- 它是真皮做的吗? Is it made of genuine leather?
- 他从最近的那一丛灌木下爬出来,手上全是黑色的泥土。 He crawled out from under the closest bottle brush, his hands full of black earth.
- 是真皮的。 It's of real leather.
- "你不能带玛丽去参加晚会,她是我的女朋友。" "是这么回事吗?" "You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- 她的日子几乎全是在一连串的鸡尾酒会和宴会中度过的。 Her life was a whirl of cocktail parties and dinner dates.
- 这是真皮的. This is made of genuine leather.
- 真的吗? No kidding?
- 这沙发是真皮的. This sofa is covered in real leather.
- 他们说的全是同一种语言的不同变体,以前肯定都属于印欧语系语言。 They all spoke variants of what once must have been the same language, Aryan.
- 真皮的 dermic
- 这些书全是你的吗? Are these books all yours?
- 这沙发是真皮做的。 The sofa is made of genuine leather.