- 模糊免疫PID控制 Fuzzy - immune - PID control
- 模糊免疫PID控制在电阻加热炉温度控制系统中的应用 The Application of the Fuzzy Immune PID Control in the Temperature Control System of the Resistance-heated Furnace
- 模糊免疫PID控制在铁芯卷绕纠偏中的应用 Application of the fuzzy immune PID in correcting deviation of iron core control system
- 免疫PID immune PID
- 免疫PID控制 immune PID control
- 某火箭破障武器电液伺服系统的模糊免疫PID控制的研究 Study of Fuzzy Immune PID Controller for the Electric-hydraulic Servo System in Rocket Destroying Obstacles Weapon
- 模糊免疫PID控制器 fuzzy immune PID
- 大射电望远镜馈源指向系统轨迹跟踪免疫PID控制 Immune PID control of the feed-supporting system for large spherical radio telescope
- 锅炉汽包水位模糊免疫PID的应用研究 Application of the Fuzzy Immune PID Control in Industrial Boiler Control System
- PID控制 PID control
- 模糊免疫PID fuzzy immune PID
- 基于PID控制的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子系统运动稳定性研究 Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller
- 改进PID控制 advanced PID control
- 模糊免疫非线性PID控制 fuzzy immune nonlinear PID control
- 模糊PID控制 fuzzy PID control
- 将免疫反馈引入到传统的PID控制器中,并采用单层Adaline神经网络作为抗体抑制调节函数,提高免疫PID控制器的参数自适应能力。 Basedon immune feedback and classical PID controlling theory, an immune PID controller, using adaline network as antibody-suppressed function to improve the self-adapting capability, is developed.
- PID控制算法 PID control algorithm
- 专家PID控制 expert PID control
- 火电厂主汽温控制系统的免疫PID串级控制 Immune PID Cascade Control of Fresh Steam Temperature Control System in Fossil-fired Power Plant
- 流量PID控制 flux control