- 现在点菜吗? Would you like to order now?
- 先生,现在点菜吗? May I have your order, sir?
- 您现在点菜吗? Are you ready to order?
- 吗 morphine
- 琼小姐,您现在点菜吗? Would you like to order now,Miss Joan?
- 现在点菜,还是等他们来? Shall I take your order now,or wait for your friends to come?
- 是吗 is that right
- 请问您是现在点菜还是等一会儿? Are you ready to order or do you need another minute?
- 可以吗? Any chance?
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 对吗 is it right
- 你们准备现在点菜还是要再等一会儿? Are you ready to just a minute?
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 是吗? Is it really?
- 不是吗 isn't it
- 现在您想点菜呈,先生? Will you like to order now, sir ?
- 真的吗? No kidding?
- 行吗 all right
- 这样可以吗? Is that OK?
- 点菜吗 may I take your order