- 您想开始先来点什么? What would you like to begin with?
- 先来点什么? What would you like to start / begin with?
- 您先来点什么? What would you like to start with?
- 开始要先来点什么吗? Do you want anything to start with?
- 你想开始先来点什么吗? Do you want anything to start with?
- 先来 first
- 在来点马铃薯泥好吗? Would you like more mashed potato?
- 先来后到 in the order of arrival
- 你想来点喝的吗? Would you care for a drink?
- 我跟着那些比我先来的好奇的名媛淑女在住宅里漫步溜达。 I wandered from room to room in the wake of these inquisitive aristocratic ladies who had arrived before me.
- 您想先喝点什么吗? Would you like something to drink first?
- 他摸出一支烟来点着了。 He fished out a cigarette and lit up.
- 不要推,我比你先来排队的。 Don't push! I came before you in the queue.
- 你要不要来点甜食? Are you up for some dessert?
- 您想先喝点什么? Would you like anything to drink first?
- 先来厂的工人总喜欢编造厂长脾气如何暴躁的故事来戏弄新来者。 The older workers always enjoy stringing the newcomers with stories about the director's hot temper.
- 来点咖啡还是来点茶? Coffee or tea?
- 要不要先喝点什么? Would you care for some drinks?
- 哪一个最先来? Which comes first?
- 再来点苹果馅饼好吗? Would you like some more apple pies?