- 偷蛋龙长的什么样? Description - What Oviraptor looked like?
- 偷蛋龙的脑袋相当大,所以它比较聪明。它产卵并抚养自己的孩子。偷蛋龙用两条腿走路。 The Oviraptor had a large brain and was smart. It laid eggs and cared for the eggs and babies. It walked on two legs.
- 霸王龙长的什么样? Description - What Tyrannosaurus Rex looked like.
- 长 long
- 有时偷蛋,长大偷牛。 He who steals an egg will steal an ox.
- 长的 full-bottomed
- 长大 grow up
- 最长的 first born
- 盘龙 pelycosaur
- 接龙 build up a sequence
- 长达 extend as long as
- 长短 length
- 最长 longest
- 在很长的一段时间里,我看着它们为难地围着树的底部团团转。 For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.
- 长靴 boot
- 长时间的 long-playing
- 长时间 yonks
- (词)长的 sesquipedalian
- 爬这么长的楼梯到她的办公室去,真让我上气不接下气。 Climbing up the long staircase to her office quite puffed me out.
- 我们走了一条比通常要长的路来的。 We came by a longer route than usual.