- 偷得四日闲,想干嘛? Richard: What are you going to do for four days as a woman of leisure?
- 奥立佛从一名衣冠楚楚的乘客身上偷得一包香烟。 Oliver filched a packet of cigarettes from a well-dressed passenger.
- 琼安:不然??想干嘛? Joanne: What would you rather be doing?
- 不想 indisposition
- 嘛 (a modal particle)
- 出纳员发现在银仔房工作的工人盗窃钱币后收受贿赂,协助将偷得的硬币带到附近商铺兑换纸币。 Cashiers accepted bribes when he found out that workers in the coin room had been stealing, and assisted in exchanging the stolen coins for notes in nearby shops.
- 凯瑟琳:噢,哦,你动它干嘛?你想干什么? Kathleen: Oh, oh, why are you touching that? What are you doing?
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 干嘛我们一早就得唱公司歌? Why the heck do we have to sing the company song in the morning?
- 你毕业后想干什么? What do you want to do after graduation?
- 你干嘛不去干点工作而不再成天鬼混呢? Why don't you do some work instead of just frigging around all day?
- 迪克·琼斯和他的上司十分协调,他完全知道她想干什么。 Dick Jones is very much in tune with his boss and knows exactly what she wants.
- 你干嘛这样急着要得到那份工作呢? Why are you so uptight about getting that job?
- 这工作烂透了。我不想干了。 This job sucks. I'm quitting.
- 我不懂他干嘛弄得如此困境。 I wonder what he made that lurch for.
- "你们到底想干什么-是像往常一样互相吹捧一番,还是至少认真一次?" "And what are you up to exactly-slapping each other on the back as usual, or are you taking it seriously for once?"
- 昨晚你干嘛去了? Whadja do last night?
- 乔纳森总是循规蹈矩:我怀疑他是否让你干你想干的事情。 Jonathan always goes by the book: I doubt if he will let you do what you want.
- 干嘛不再等几天? Why don't you wait for a few more days?
- 我不明白他干嘛要那样做。 I don't know why the devil he did that.