- 你将在美国停留多久? How long are you going to stay in the United States?
- 那您准备在美国停留多久? How long will you be staying in the U.S.?
- 停留多久? How long is the stopover?
- 停留 stay somewhere temporarily
- 多久 How long ...
- 要停留多久? How long is the layover?
- 停留在 rest on
- 停留时间 dwell time
- 预计在巴基斯坦停留多久? How long will you be staying in Pakistan?
- 没多久 soon
- 没过多久 soon
- 短暂停留 whistle stop
- 他担任牧师职位多久了? How long has he had his stall?
- 中途停留 stopover
- 持续了多久? How long did it last?
- 我没有时间停留。 I have no time to stay.
- 你在这里多久了? How long have you been here?
- 直升飞机停留在那房子上空。 The helicopter hovered over the house.
- 猎狗不要多久就会追到那头牡鹿。 The hounds will soon hunt down the stag.
- 停留期 detention period