纬线,纬度圈与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条 Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量 A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
未定名的主要新产品未命名的或假想的制品 An unnamed or hypothetical manufactured article.
万能溶剂炼金术士曾一度寻求的假想的万能溶剂 The hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists.