- 借我10英镑行吗? Could you oblige me with 10 pounds?
- 你能借给我10英镑吗? 我一个钱也没有! Could you lend me 10? I'm completely broke!
- 我把钱包留在了家里,但乔克借给我10英镑,才解脱了我的困境。 I left my wallet at home but Jock saved the day by lending me ten pounds.
- 你这辆汽车卖2000英镑行吗? Will you take 2000 for the car (ie sell it for 2000)?
- 吗 morphine
- 我手头有点拮据,你能借我10英镑我明天还你好吗? I'm in a bit of a jam; can you lend me ten pounds until tomorrow?
- 借我看一眼行吗?当然可以。 Do you mind if I have a look?''By all means.
- 你能不能借给我10英镑过两天还你? Could you see your way to lending me 10 for a couple of days?
- 你撞坏了我的汽车,现在又厚着脸皮来借我的自行车! You crashed my car and now you have the effrontery to ask me for my bicycle!
- 她的功课行吗? Is her schoolwork up to scratch?
- 他出价10英镑一股。 He offers 10 a share.
- 在酒吧,一杯朗姆酒和可口可乐的混合饮料花费了我10美元。 It takes me %2410 to buy a mixture of rum and cola in the bar.
- 你行吗? Are you any good?
- 每当我要乔还他借我的钱的时候。他总是诉苦,说他家里需要多少开支。 Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for.
- 她钱不多了,大约10英镑。 She had a little money,ten pounds or so.
- 帮我把我的外套挂在钩上行吗? Will you hang my coat on the hook?
- 请你借我一点钱,我真缺钱用,我一贫如洗。 Please lend me some money,I really need it. I'm on my uppers.
- 我买那些东西付了10英镑。 I gave ten pounds in payment for the goods I bought.
- 你帮我把上衣挂好行吗? Will you hook my coat for me?
- 嘿,真不懂道理!你借我的书也该先问问我。 Well,of all the cheek! You might have asked me before you borrowed my book.