- 保修期多长? How long is the warranty?
- 保修期多长时间?我们的产品保修两年。保修一年。三年保修。 A: How long is the warranty? B: We guarantee our product for two years. It is guaranteed for one year. It carries a three-year warranty.
- 尼罗河有多长? How long is the River Nile?
- 保修期有多长? How long is the warranty on it?
- 这个职位任期多长? How long is the post tenable for?
- 多长时间? For how long?
- 谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长? Thank you. How long will this offer be open?
- 你兄弟当了多长时间的兵了? How long has your brother been a soldier?
- 到那儿要多长时间? How long will it take me to get there?
- 琼斯大街有多长? How long is Jones Boulevard?
- 你手术后过了多长时间才痊愈? How long did it take you to recuperate completely from your operation?
- 您将在中国停留多长时间? How long do you expect to be stay in China?
- 去公共汽车站要多长时间? How long will it take to go to the bus stop?
- 狮子多长时间产一次仔? How often do lions breed?
- 离吃午饭还有多长时间? How long is it to lunch? ie How much time is there until lunch?
- 保修期多长时间? A: How long is the warranty?
- 你花多长时间从冰湖的这一边滑到对面去? Hew long does it take you to skate over the frozen lake to the other side?
- 他开车去上班要用多长时间? How long does it take him to drive to work?
- 坐小轿车去车站要多长时间? How long does it take to go to the station by car?
- 乘船到那里去要花多长时间? How long will it take to go there by ship?