- 便携式X射线分析仪 portable X-ray analyzer
- 现场电子部件的铅筛选:使用便携式X射线荧光检测设备分析焊锡中的铅 Spot Lead Screening for Electronic Components: Analysis on Lead in Soldering Tin with Portable X-ray Fluorescent Test Equipment
- 便携式X射线荧光分析仪的研制与应用 A Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Using Si-PIN Detector and Its Applications
- 便携式X射线吸收分析仪 portable X-ray absorption analyzer
- 利用荧光X射线分析仪实现PTA装置催化剂质量浓度自动控制 Automatic Control of Catalyst Concentration in PTA Unit Based on Fluorescent X-ray Analyzer
- 便携式X荧光分析 portable X fluorescence analysis
- 对肺部作X射线摄影 to sciagraph the lung
- X射线分析仪 X-ray analyzer
- 便携式x光透视系统 The ccs portable x-ray system
- 携带式X射线分析仪 portable X-ray analyzer
- 便携式X线机移动式支架的研制 Development of a mobile stand for portable X-ray unit
- 妇产科X射线检查 X-ray examination in gynecology and obstetrics
- 微量探针X射线分析仪 electron microprobe x-ray analyser; electron probe x-ray micro analyser
- X射线CT X-my CT
- 便携式X射线机 portable X-ray generator
- 子微电极X射线分析仪 electronic microelectrode X-ray analyzer
- X射线光子 X-ray photon
- 能量色散x射线分析仪 energy dispersive x-ray analyzer
- X射线光学 X-ray optics
- 电子微探针X射线分析仪 electron microprobe X-ray analyzer