- 依赖于T细胞的抗原 T-dependent antigen
- 不依赖于T细胞抗原 T-independent antigen
- 巴正常人体对外来抗原的免疫应答依赖于T细胞和特异性抗原递呈细胞uPC)之间协调的相互作用。 It is generally accepted that normal immune response to foreignantigens depends on coordinating interaction between T cells andantigen-presenting cells(APCs).
- 依赖于T的抗原 T-dependent antigen
- 1,25-二羟维生素D3及其类似物除了直接作用于T细胞外,还通过各种机制调节抗原呈递细胞的表型和功能,尤其是树突细胞。 In addition to direct effects on T cell activation,1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and its analogue modulate with different mechanisms the phenotype and function of antigen-presenting cells(APC),and,in particular,of dendritic cells(DC).
- 间接的通过一中间媒介进行活动的,牵涉到中间媒介的,依赖于中间媒介的 Acting through, involving, or dependent on an intervening agency.
- 科学家们声称,L-茶氨酸可以提高伽马德耳塔T细胞的抵抗力, The scientists say it may increase the strength of gamma delta T cells.
- MG_7杂交瘤细胞的培养及利用ELISA检测MG_7单抗的抗原结合活性。 Culture of MG7 hybridoma cells and detection of antigen-binding affinity of MG7 mAb by ELISA
- 破产域外效力的最终实现必须依赖于外国法院的承认与执行。 The final realization of the extraterritorial effect of bankruptcy must rely on the admission and execution of foreign courts.
- 体液性免疫用来对抗自由流动的抗原,而细胞性免疫用来对抗进入细胞的 Humoral immunity acts against free-floating antigens, whereas cellular mediated
- 高效率依赖于良好的组织。 Efficiency depends on good organization.
- 接种MFC/4-1BBL细胞的小鼠外周血NK细胞及CD8+T细胞数明显增多; The numbers of NK cells and CD8~+ T cells in peripheral blood of MFC/4-1BBL mice were notably more than those in MFC/pMKITneo mice and MFC mice;
- 这些设计要素的比例依赖于分析不同化合物的检测效能。 The scale of these design factors is variable depending on the assay performance required for analyzing different compounds.
- 重组rAAV-LMP诱导的特异性细胞毒T细胞对LMP阳性靶细胞的识别与杀伤 Recombinant AAV LMP induced LMP specific cytotoxic response to autologous lymphoblastoid cell lines transformed by Epstein Barr virus
- 例如,清单1中的scriptlet示例严格地依赖于花括号的正确匹配。 The scriptlet example in Listing 1, for instance, is critically dependent upon proper matching of braces.
- 蛋白转导域介导BCR/ABL抗原对CML患者T细胞的活化作用 Activation effects of BCR/ABL antigen on CML T cells mediated by protein transduction domain
- 从这点看,一组称为T细胞的血细胞处在免疫防线的第一线,防止病原体入侵。 Seen in this way, a group of white blood cells called T cells are the frontline soldiers of immune defense, engaging inading pathogens head on.
- 依赖于胸腺的抗原 thymus-dependent antigen
- 热交换系数由对流和辐射两部分组成,这系数极大地依赖于实际活动的焓和密度。 Heat transfer coefficient'comprising convective and radioative components may strongly depend on the actural flow enthalpy and density.
- CyA对PHA激活的T细胞表面Tac抗原的表达呈强烈的抑制作用,抑制率为64.59%; adding CyA to PHA stimulated lymphocytes led to blocking of Tac expression, the difference was significant (P<0.0001);