- 使用何种型式的阳极? What type of anodes is used?
- 应使用何种设计程序取决于要进行的更改类型和发布或保存数据的方式。 Which design program you choose depends on what kinds of changes you want to make and how you published or saved the data.
- 你们准备使用何种媒体? What media do you plan to use?
- 外部触发使用高压触发脉冲在闪光灯的阳极和阴极之间产生一个较稀薄的电离流! External triggering uses a high voltage trigger pulse to create a thin ionized streamer between the anode and cathode within the lamp.
- 流体传动系统和元件-缸-安装尺寸和安装型式的标注代号 Fluid power systems and components - Cylinders - Identification code for mounting dimensions and mounting types
- 你能使用何种软件? What kind of software can you use?
- 不使用 nonuse
- 高功率、高效率线阵半导体激光器的阳极氧化制备方法研究 Research of the performance of the measuring aberrationd in human eye with Hartmann-Shack sensor Enentiallytaperedmulti-modeinterferencecouplers Fabrication of High Power, High-Efficiency Linear Array Diode Lasers by Pulse Anodic Oxidation
- 许多现代化的照相机镜头是一些著名的成功型式的各种变型。 Many contemporary photographic objectives are variations of well-known successful forms.
- 使用何种运输方式? What mode of transport is used?
- 不能使用 out of commission
- 铝的阳极氧化 anodizing of aluminium
- 树枝状水系型式的发展是由遭受侵蚀的岩石类型和层态影响的。 Development of the dendritic pattern is influenced by the type and attitude of rock the erosion encounters.
- 帕拉迪奥风格的文艺复兴时期的帕拉第奥建筑型式的或有其特点的 Of or characteristic of the Renaissance architectural style of Palladio.
- 阳极电子管中的阳极 The anode in an electron tube.
- 正常使用 regular service
- 路由器跟踪一个请求来自何种网络并应用基于源网络的不同规则。 The rout track what network a request have come from and apply differ rules based on the source network.
- 再使用 reuse
- 战前型式的汽车 a car of prewar vintage
- 电池的阳极 zincode