- 渐入梦乡 to sink into a deep sleep
- 她渐入中年。 She is getting ore to middle age.
- 有一种渐入危机的趋势。 There is a slow drift into crisis.
- 论人文教育思想渐入体育课堂 Trial-discussion on Humanistic Education Thoughts Entering PE Schoolroom Gradually
- 入住 be opened for occupancy
- 佳境 the most pleasant stage
- 买入 buying
- 处于佳境 in the green wood
- 登入 log in
- 在线淫秽内容历来风行,但如今渐入颓势? Is lascivious online content, traditionally on top, losing its lustre?
- 水边多佳境长系游子心 The Beautiful River of Homeland Always Reminds Traveling People
- 上游佳境多,左右可逢源。 There's always room at the top.
- 放入 interpose
- 夜去黎明至,苦尽佳境来。 Joy often comes after sorrow,like morning after night.
- 渐隐 dissolve
- 接入 switch-in
- 离弃佳境陷入庸常--致周梅森 Leaving from Good Condition and Being Lost in Mediocre--to Zhou Meisen
- 吸入 to breathe in
- 渐近 asymptotic(al)
- 从刘基故里看人居佳境的国粹精华 Quintessence of human settlement shown in Liu Ji's former residence