- 你骗我吧?John和他妻子一刀两断了,简直不敢相信! Are you kidding? John has been through with his wife? It's hard to believe!
- 你当真在一匹马上投注就赢了那麽多的钱吗?你不是在骗我吧? You really won all that money on a horse? You're not having me on?
- 你当真在一匹马上投注就赢了那么多的钱吗?你不是在骗我吧? You really won all that money on a horse? You're not having me on?
- 你骗我过来,是想把我做人质交换战舰 You lured me here to hold me hostage in exchange for our warship.
- 你骗我。 You're kidding me.
- 看在老天爷的面子上去拿一杯茶给我吧。我口里一点味也没有。 For heaven's sake go and fetch me a cup of tea. I've got a mouth like the bottom of a parrot's cage!
- 他是个老行家,你骗不了他。 He is an old bird and you can't take him in.
- 你不至于骗我吧? You won't go so far as to cheat me, will you?
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。" I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- 你不要骗我。 Don't try to kid me.
- 他不是你骗得了的那种人。 He is not the sort of man you put something over on.
- 他想骗我相信他的大衣是虎皮做的。 He bluffed me into believing that his coat was made of tiger skin.
- "请别让人心里七上八下的;你要是知道我的考试成绩就告诉我吧!" "Don't keep me in a state of suspense, please! If you know the results of my examination, tell me!"
- 托德是同性恋者?你是在骗我吧! Todd is gay? You've got to be pulling my leg.
- 看着她略带稚气的脸,我相信她没有骗我,说的都是实话。 Looking at her somewhat childish face, I believe she tricked me, that is the truth.
- 你一定是在骗我! You must be kidding!
- 请帮帮我吧,我希望你不要让我再失望了。 Please give me a hand. I hope you won't let me down again.
- 得啦,你是在骗我。 Go on, you're kidding me.
- 你骗了我,我为你工作,而你却不守信用,你什么也没教我。 You lied to me. I've worked for you,and you have not kept your word. You haven't taught me anything.
- "你不会是在骗我吧?"托德问道。 "You have got to be kidding me!" Todd responded.