- 你预先订位了吗? Have you made reservations yet?
- 请问我可以预先订位吗? Do you think I can book a seat in advance?
- 所有娱乐设施必须预先订位,按照先订先得的方法管理,如订后不到者也会按规定收费。 All amusing establishments should ordered in advance according the managing method of ordering first, the absent ordered one should be charged as regular.
- 你打电话去餐厅订位了吗?诺拉:有,而且他们问我一件最奇怪的事!麦可:什么事?诺拉:他们想要确认我要请一位提琴手。 Did you phone the restaurant and make reservations? N: Yes, and they asked me the strangest thing! M: What's that? N: They wanted to confirm that I wanted a violinist.
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 他们预先订出了一项行动计划。 They plotted oat a plan of action in advance.
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。" I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- 您预定桌位了吗? Have you made a reservation?
- 麻烦你 Would you kindly ... ?
- 你看新栽的玫瑰长根了吗? Do you think the new rosebush has taken root?
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 你搞清楚争论的中心了吗? Did you get the drift of the dispute?
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。 In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 你这么快就辞职了吗? Are you quitting already?
- 侍者: 女士们,晚上好,您预订桌位了吗? Good evening,ladies.Have you made a reservation?
- 你们得到了你们的一份了吗? Have you all had your whack?
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 游泳池的水用氯消毒了吗? Is the swimming-pool chlorinated?
- 你把卸货的时间算进去了吗? Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo?
- 我在美食天地已订好了位,晚上8点我来接你。 I'll pick you up at 8pm I've already booked a table at "Gourmet".