- 你都怎麽准备考试? How do you prepare for your tests?
- 蒂芬妮:人们都怎麽庆祝呢? Tiffany: How do people celebrate it?
- 张静:噢,你们家怎麽准备的呀? Oh, how does your family prepare?
- 自从我上次见到你以后你都在干什么? What have you been doing since I saw you last time?
- 约翰复习笔记准备考试。 In preparing for the exam, John reviewed his notes.
- 怎 how
- 你都吃光了吗? Did you eat all of them?
- 他正在拼命用功准备考试。 He is grinding away for the examination.
- 怎麽样 how about
- 吉: 你都记下了吗? Have you got all that?
- 用功[刻苦学习]准备考试 grind for an exam
- 合同什么的你都带来了吗? Did you bring the contract and (all) that?
- 安全的问题怎麽办? What about the question of security?
- 给了我们两天时间来准备考试。 We were given two days to prepare for the examination.
- 每页你都要签字,是吗? Do you want to sigh every copy?
- 你怎麽能否定上帝的存在? How can you negate God?
- 他准备考试。 He prepared for the examination.
- 那些碟子你还没有洗吗?我弄不懂你都把时间花在什么上了。 Haven't you got those dishes done yet? It beats me what you do with your time.
- 你怎麽敢对我妄加评论? How dare you sit in judgement on me?
- 在许多农场你都会看到奶牛和鸡。 On many farms you'll find cows and chickens.