- 你这里的工作进展如何? How are you getting on with your job here?
- 你的工作进展如何? How's your work coming along?
- 神临到巴兰那里说、在你这里的人都是谁。 [bbe] And God came to Balaam and said, Who are these men with you?
- 这里 here
- 采访:在詹尼斯中心的工作进展如何? RD: What goes on at the Jenesse Center?
- 大体上说,这里的气候还是很宜人的,夏天不太热,冬天也不太冷。 On the whole, the climate here is quite pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.
- 让我告诉你这里的规矩!比较激进的口气的一句话。 Let me hip you to the rules here.
- 事情开始出差错时,保持清醒的头脑是这里的一个显著的优点。 It's a distinct advantage around here to keep a cool head when things begin to go wrong.
- 请随时告诉我们新的发展情况/你的工作进展情况。 Please keep us informed of fresh developments/how you are getting with the work.
- 一个特里同王子来你这里寻找传说中的亚特兰提斯之珠。 A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis.
- 你工作进展如何? How far have you got with the work?
- 我要回答你,和在你这里的朋友。 I would like to reply to you and to your friends with you.
- 可它并未妨碍我得到那片司祭盎。倒是你的生意进展如何呢? It hasn't prevented me from getting a piece of the Scion. How's business for you?
- 他的工作进展得非常顺利。 His work is going along tip-top.
- 我是来找活干的。或许你这里有什么小的活计,需要修修补补。 I'm looking for a few days work. Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there.
- 记住,你的父亲仍然是这里的头儿。 Remember, your father is still numero uno around here.
- 新工作的进展如何? How is the new job shaping up?
- 这世上有一些人生来就是为我们做一些别人不愿意做的工作。你爸爸就是其中一个! There are some men in this world who are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father's one of them.
- 你这里有生啤酒吗? Haven't you got beer on draught here?
- 在大埔及北大屿山兴建新的车辆扣留处及验车中心的筹划工作进展良好。 Planning also progressed well for a new vehicle pound and vehicle examination facility to be built at Tai Po and North Lantau.