- 亲受的查尔斯,你这话是什么意思呀?” My dear Charles, what do you mean?"
- “你知道,你并不是学校最受欢迎的人。”“你这话是什么意思?” 'You aren't the most popular person at school, you know.' 'What's that supposed to mean?'
- 你这话是什么意思? What do you intend by this remark?
- 弗朗西斯,见鬼去吧,你这话到底是什么意思? Francis, what the hell do you mean?
- 你用意何在?你这话是什么意思? What are you trying to do,explain,etc? What do you mean by saying so?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你已经有五个丈夫,你现在有的并不是你的丈夫。你这话是真的。 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.
- 你这是什么意思? What do you mean?
- 我讨厌你这话的弦外之音,似乎我的工作不能令人满意。 I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.
- 你说这话到底是什么意思? Where is all this leading? ie What is the conclusion of what you are saying?
- "你这话说得太难听了!" "You do talk scandalous!"
- 他说那话是什么意思? What did he mean by that remark?
- 你还记得我们初次见面是什么时候吗?你这是在回忆很久以前的事了。 Do you remenber when we first met? --That's thinking back a long way.
- 你这话的弦外之音是我错了。 The implication of your statement is that I was wrong.
- 妈的!你这是什么意思? Confound you, what do you mean?
- 如果你愿意的话,我可以到一个法官面前发誓这话是真的。 If you please, I'll go before a magistrate and make oath of it.
- 告诉我你的话是什么意思。 Tell me what your remark imports.
- 你这话真是说出了金融界的一条基本真理。 You have just enunciated a fundamental financial truth.
- “我知道你是什么意思,你这个讨人厌的东西。”我母亲说。 "I know what you mean, you cross thing," said my mother.
- 欸,你这话可不对呀 ! Now, you can't say that.