- 你这样埋怨过吗? Have you ever felt this way about yourself?
- 吗 morphine
- 我知道你又在学校里炫耀自己了, 我对你的举止不知埋怨过多少次了。 I see you've been distinguishing yourself at school again.I have had a lot of complaints about your behavior.
- 文德先生从来没有埋怨过。 Mr de Winter has never complained.
- 那个可怜的人说了些什么使你这样地责骂他? What did the poor man say that make you lam into him like that?
- 他们从来没有埋怨过工作太多。 They did not once complain of having too much work.
- 这样不近情理的话你以前听见过吗? Did you ever hear anything so cool?
- 你这样说他,他脸上磨得开吗? Don't you think your sharp criticism would embarrass him?
- 像你这样的情况,还是去看看内科吧。 Nurse: In that case, you'd better go to the Medical Department.
- 生活上,我父亲很难相处,但是我母亲没有埋怨过,可能因为她无法用言语充分表述。 My dad was a difficult man to live with,but my mom did not complain,probably because she could not put words to her own need.
- 你这样做真是太好了。 It is very kind of you to do this.
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 受伤后他昏迷过吗? Did he lose consciousness after the injury?
- 我不知道你这样做的落脚点是什么。 i have no idea about your foothold by doing so.
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- 您在电影工作过吗? Have you been in the movie line?
- 你这样喝个没完,要喝出毛病来的。 If you go on drinking like this you'll make youself ill.
- 他在你们国内时喘过吗? Did he ever have asthmatic attacks in your country?
- 快点吧。你这样让我悬着,我今晚会睡不着的。 Oh, come on. I won't be able to sleep tonight if you leave me hanging like this.
- 这种情况以前发生过吗? Has it happened before?