- 你这学期上几门课? How many courses do you have for this semester?
- 我听说这学期你在上高等物理课。这门课怎么样? Ve been taking an advanced physics course this semester.
- 这学期你选了几门课程? How many subjects are you studying this semester?
- 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。 The ticket tells you the price of this dress.
- 门课 subject
- 有时候她可以连续不断地谈上几个小时。 She could sometimes talk away for hours on end.
- 这件衬衫是你这号尺寸的。 This shirt is your size.
- 再干上几天,花园就可以整好了。 A couple of days work will get the garden into shape.
- 这学期我准备选修生物化学。 I plan to take biochemistry this semester.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 科学工作者必须精通几门外国语。 It is essential that a scientific worker knows foreign languages.
- 吉尔的脑子真笨,读大学一年级时门门课都不及格。 Jill is such a blockhead that the flunked every course as a freshman.
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。" "When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- 这学期他的写作有了很大进步。 His writing has improved greatly in this semester.
- 市长先生,原来就是你这小子 so it is you who are M. le Maire!"
- 你今年修多少门课? How many subjects are you taking this year?
- 那一家的孩子们常常大伙一起玩上几个小时。 The many children of that family used to play together for hours.
- 你得把这个问题提交给上一级。 You will have to remit this problem to a higher authority.
- 很好。你这一阵子去哪儿了? Fine. Where have you been?
- 你是几点钟到火车站的? At what time did you arrive at the station?