- 你这么生气是为什么? What are you so mad at?
- 他做什么让你这么生气? What did he do to make you so angry?
- 有一件事我想知道,那就是为什么你这么仇视制药行业。 One thing I'd like to know is why you hate the pharmaceutical industry so much.
- (是什么使你这么生气?) Top 1: What made you so angry?
- 这么 so (much)
- 她以前从未教过书,所以孩子们发现惹她生气是件很容易的事。 She had never taught in a school before and the children found it very easy to twist her tail.
- 让我极度感兴趣的是为什么这对你这么重要? What's burning me up is why it meas so much to you?
- 你感到生气是不足为怪的。 It's not unnatural that you should feel annoyed.
- 难怪他这么生气。 No wonder he got so angry.
- 丹尼卡医生是个整洁,干净的人,他觉得生气是偷快的事。 Doc. Daneeka was a very neat, clean man whose idea of a good time was to sulk.
- 这就是为什么你必须在每个训练期间都要百分之一百的投入的原因。 This is why it is imperative that you give one hundred percent during every training session.
- 真奇怪,他会这么生气。 It is strange that he should feel so angry.
- 真遗憾,你这么快就离开我们。 It's a pity you should leave us so soon.
- 丹尼卡医生是个整洁,干净的人,他觉得生气是偷快的事。 Doc. Daneeka was a very neat, clean man whose idea of a good time was to sulk
- 这就是为什么在今后的岁月里每年都会送玫瑰给你。 That is why the roses will be sent to you for years."
- 你没有理由为这点小事这么生气。 There is no reason for you to get so worked up over such a trifle.
- 你跟我生气是很对的。请你打心眼儿里原谅我。 You are very right to be angered with me. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.
- 打扰你这么多真对不起。 I am sorry to bother you with all this.
- 别这么生气,冷静点! Don't be so upset man! Chill out!
- 如果你看到两条线中你将发现这是怎么回事,这是为什么 And if you go read between the lines you'll discover how and why