- 你这么有把握吗? How can you be so sure about that?
- 既然你对此这么有把握, 他会相信你的。 Since you are so sure of it he'll believe you.
- 吗 morphine
- 你怎么这么有把握呢? How can you be so sure?
- 这么 so (much)
- 你对自己的答案觉得有把握吗? Do you feel sure about your answers?
- 真遗憾,你这么快就离开我们。 It's a pity you should leave us so soon.
- 有把握吗? Sure?
- 是吗 is that right
- 麻烦你 Would you kindly ... ?
- 你这么快就辞职了吗? Are you quitting already?
- 你这么执拗的时候,谁能和你理论? Who can reason with you when you are so contrary?
- 你对那事有把握吗? Are you certain of that ?
- 很遗憾你这么早就走了。 It is a pity you are leaving so soon.
- 我不希望你这么晚回家。 I don't want you coming home so late.
- “你有把握吗?”他问她。 'Are you sure?' he asked her.
- 当然,听你这么说我很高兴。 Of course,sir. I am happy to hear that.
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 你这么一说,我心里就透亮了。 Thanks to your explanation,it's clear to me now.