- 家庭幸福,朋友和睦,婚姻美满。你还需要什么? Happiness with family or friends,and a contented marriage partner. What more can you ask?
- 最后他指着电话说:“如果你还需要什么,请打电话。” Then he points to the phone and says:"If there's anything else you need,just call."
- 你还需要什么吗? Do you require anything else?(= in a shop/store, for example)
- 你还需要什么? Do you need anything else?
- 你还需要买给谁? Who else do you need to buy for?
- 你还需要帮忙吗? Do you need further help?
- 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么? Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with?
- 其间您还需要什么吗? Is there anything else you need done in the meantime?
- 你还有什么? What else have you got ?
- 这些词你还需要多多练习。 You need some more practice with these words.
- 关于这本书你还有什么要说的吗? Have you anything to say in the way of this book?
- 你认为还需要多少帮手加强你们这次行动? How many hands do you think to swell your operations?
- 然而,目前,你还需要处理根用户。 For the time being, though, you will have to deal with the root user.
- 那些碟子你还没有洗吗?我弄不懂你都把时间花在什么上了。 Haven't you got those dishes done yet? It beats me what you do with your time.
- 还需要什么吗? Is there anything else you need?
- “你还有什么好说的?”“没有。” "What have you got to say for yourself?" "Nothing."
- 但是你还得知道你找到的是什么。 But now you have to know what is it that you found.
- 还需要什么吗,琼小姐? Anything else,Miss Joan?
- 您还需要些什么? Waiter(W): Would you like anything else?
- 你还说什么都知道? And you say that you know it all?