- 你还清债务了吗? Did you wipe out the debts?
- 你知道李先生已经还清债务离开这个城市了吗? Do you know Mr.Lee has cleared off debts and left the city?
- 如果你认为我会替你还清债务,那你还是打消这个念头吧!因为我是不会替你还的。 If you think I'm going to pay all your debts,you can get the idea out of your head now because I'm not!
- 你领到钱后就可偿清债务了。 You'll be in the clear after you get paid.
- 但如果你还没了解这些原则究竟是什么就不得不照之行事,这不是更加困难了吗? But how much harder is it,to have to act on them without knowing what they are?
- 付了这笔钱之后,你对公司就再也没有别的债务了。 This payment will release you from any further obligation to the company.
- 他按时把债还清了吗? Did he pay off all the debts on time?
- 他还清自己的债了吗? Did he lay down his debts?
- 你说你还能往那个碗橱里再塞进多少碟子? How many more plates do you think you can pile into that cupboard?
- 他们终于开始挣钱了,他们希望几年之内,能还清债务。 At last they are beginning to make money, and they hope in a few yearn to pay off all their loans.
- 你还记得那次会见吗? Do you have any recall of that meeting?
- 约翰和埃里克很快就成为朋友了,你在新的环境中交朋友了吗? John and Eric soon became friends; have you made friends yet in your new environment?
- 账都还清了。 All of the debt was paid off.
- 你还能用这根旧竖笛演奏吗? Can you play on this old recorder?
- 你听说了吗,他们没考虑提升可怜的老亨利,而提升了一个新来的? Did you hear that they've passed over poor old Henry for a newcomer?
- 我们再也不可能还清债务 thought we'd never get out of hock.
- 咱们今晚是到外边去吃饭呢?你还是愿意留在家里凑合着吃顿便饭? Shall we go out for dinner tonight? Or would you rather stay home and take potluck?
- 昨晚你看电视了吗?--没有,我宁愿看小说也不愿看电视。--我愿意看。 Did you watch TV last night? --No, I prefer to read novels rather than watch it. --I prefer to that.
- 那么你还是我的远房亲戚? then you must be my cousin
- 两年内我们应该能还清债务。 We should be able to pay off the debt within two years.