- 你还有银币吗?” Have you got any more dimes?
- 在我作出裁决之前你还有什么可辩解的吗? Have you anything to say for yourself before I pass judgment?
- 除了工作收入之外,你还有其它的经济来源吗? Have you any other source of income apart from your job?
- 在我对你宣判之前,你还有什么要说的吗? Before I pass sentence on you, have you anything to say for yourself?
- 你还有问题吗? Have you any further questions?
- 在好与坏之间还有许多不同的层次。 There are many gradations between good and bad.
- 你还有别的意见吗? Have you any more questions?
- 你说你还能往那个碗橱里再塞进多少碟子? How many more plates do you think you can pile into that cupboard?
- 这个电影明星除了一幢很大的住宅外还有一辆极好的汽车。 The film star has an incredible car in addition to a large house.
- 你还需要帮忙吗? Do you need further help?
- 暂时别谈这事了,谈了可能还有坏处。 Leave it alone for a time.Talking about it may do harm.
- 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么? Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with?
- 那本小说你还给图书馆了吗? Have you returned the novel to the library?
- 要以一个不危害环境的方式来处理核废料还有问题。 There is a problem in disposing of the radioactive wastes in a way that will not endanger the environment.
- "你还有什么好说的?" "没有。" "What have you got to say for yourself?" "Nothing."
- 你还头痛吗? Has your headache gone yet?
- 你还有什么要说的,我倒要听听。 I'd like to hear what else you've got to say.
- 除了坐出租车外还有其他别的方法吗? Is there any other way to go besides taxi?
- 这机会可能不再有,所以你还是别放弃得好。 The opportunity may not come again,so you had better not pass it up.
- 你还记得我吗? Do you remember me?