- 你还有经历过,而我呢?多没有玩过,不爽! I need to remember i am ME, and in ALL the WORLD, there is no one like ME.
- 如果你还有一些看法,但你从没好好和我谈过。 If there's something on your mind, there's never been a better time to tell me.
- 在我作出裁决之前你还有什么可辩解的吗? Have you anything to say for yourself before I pass judgment?
- 她说:“我确实希望你还有机会到中国来。” "I do hope," she said,"You'll have chance to come to China again."
- 你刚才提到的事,我有一种似曾经历过的奇怪幻觉 I have an odd sense of deja vu just as you said that
- 你还有什么需要我说明的吗? Is there anything else you should like me to make clear?
- 爱德:有人告诉我说,微软表示窗口操作系统的安全上还有漏洞,而我的计算机正是用那种系统。 Eddie: Well someone told me that Microsoft has announced another security loophole in the Windows operating system and that's the one I've got on my computer.
- 你还有问题吗? Have you any further questions?
- 你刚才提到的事,我有一种似曾经历过的奇怪幻觉。 I have an odd sense of deja vu just as you say that.
- 你还有吗? have you got any more of it/them?
- 除了认识一个人有过此经历外,我个人还从未经历过流产。 I haven't had a personal experience with abortion other than knowing someone who had one.
- 很好看,你还有其它的图案吗? It feels very nice. Do you have any others in a different design.
- 这一回合你还有一个球没打。 You still have one bowl left in this frame.
- 除了头痛之外,你还有没有其他症状? Do you have any other symptoms besides the headache?
- 除了工作收入之外,你还有其它的经济来源吗? Have you any other source of income apart from your job?
- 永远去看你已经走了多远,而不是你还有多远要走。永远记住你所幸,而非所失。 Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.
- 一年以前你还有点肤浅,有点粗陋。 A year ago, you were perhaps a little limited-a little rustic.
- 如果你发觉这设备还有什么毛病,我将亲自来修理,而不是派我的助手来。 If you have any more trouble with the equipment,I won't send my assistant but I'll come in person to fix it.
- 别担心没进校队的事,你还有机会的。 Don't worry about not making varsity team. You'll always have next year.
- 你还有机会获得奖学金,不要马上放弃。 You've still a chance of winning a scholarship,don't throw in the sponge.