- 你还想要张日本卡通? Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too?
- 你还想要个橘子吗? Would you like another orange?
- 你还想要点茶吗? Do you want any more tea?
- 你还想要这张票吗? Do you still want the ticket?
- 你想不想要张免费的票?无任何附带条件。 Do you want a free ticket? No strings attached.
- 我想要张往返票。 I would like a return ticket.
- 你还想得到帮助吗? Would you care for another helping?
- 如果你做了好事,记得要张收据,万一天堂和美国国税局一样呢。 When you do a good deed, get a receipt, in case heaven is like the IRS.
- 你还想看第三次吗? Read it a third time?
- 那么,你最好要张收据,真的,你接受任何捐献或礼物都要报告。 Well, you'd better have a receipt for it, by God. You have to report any donations or gifts.
- 你还想在家里吃早饭吗? Do you want to eat breakfast here?
- 客人我们想要张圆桌。 Guest We prefer a round table.
- 别这样,你还想被警察抓走吗? Other case, you want taken away by the police?
- 关于这本书你还有什么要说的吗? Have you anything to say in the way of this book?
- 你想要吃什么? What would you like to eat?
- 你还想说什么吗,安东尼奥? P: Do you wish to say anything, Antonio?
- 我想要张无烟区桌位。 I want a table at the nonsmoking section.
- 这样的战绩你还想有什么提高? How do you improve on that?"
- 你想要 Do you want to
- 我还想放大这张照片。 And I also want to have this photo enlarged.