- 你近来在忙些什么? What are you up to these days?
- 你近来在忙些什么。 What is you up to these days?
- 你在忙些什么? WED. What are you up to?
- 就在前几天我偶然想起了你的堂兄,你近来收到他的信了吗? Just the other day I happened to think of your cousin. Have you heard from him lately?
- 你一直在忙些什么? What have you been busy about?
- 以下是近来在西方社会流传的一些具有代表性的单句睿语 Here's sampling of the some of the wittier one-lines circulating through Western society circles these days
- 他现在不知在忙些什么。 He is now busying himself with no one knows what.
- 不要暴饮暴食了,你近来体重增加了不少。 Don't OD yourself; you're gaining a lot of weight recently.
- 你近来在做什么? What have you being doing lately?
- “你近来又抽烟了。”“抽又怎么啦?” 'You've been smoking again.' 'So?'
- "孩子们在假期做些什么有益活动?" "What do the children do with themselves during the holidays?"
- 你近来的食欲怎么样(我丧失了食欲) How 's your appetite lately? (I have lost my appetite.)
- 今天在忙些什么? What have you been busy about today?
- “原来这就是你近来愁眉苦脸的原因,对吗?” "That's what makes you so pensive in these day, eh?"
- 你近来有些高兴得飘飘然。餐馆的生意怎么样? You seem to be on cloud nine these days. How is your restaurant business?
- 她在瞎忙些什么? What is she fussing about?
- 朱迪:是新的戒指吗?那是新裙子喔?你近来很挥霍无度? Judy: Is that a new ring? That's a new dress isn't it? Have you been on a spending spree?
- 你在忙什么呢? What are you up to?
- 我知道你近来心情不好,我们一起去赌场碰碰运气吧。 I know you have not been in a good mood recently. Let's go the casino and try our luck.
- 最近忙些什么呢? What are you up to lately?