- 你身上有钢笔吗? Have you a pen about you?
- 一位年轻的女子盯了我一眼,说:“喂,你身上有钱吗?” A young lady looked at me very hard and said, "Well, how are you off for soap?"
- 你手头有钢笔吗? Have you got a pen handy?
- 他徽章你的腰斩,你也没有办法偷袭因为你身上有精灵之火。 He trinketed your kidney shot and CS is not an option because you are faire fired.
- 你们这里有钢笔吗? Do you have pen here?
- 打扰了,你有钢笔吗? Excuse me,have you got a pen by any chance?
- 你身上有他的香水味,是我鼻子犯的罪 On your body has his perfume taste, is crime which my nose violates
- 他会做这一切,在你身上有一个计划。 And God will do it all within the objective in mind that He has a plan for your life.
- 你手边有钢笔和笔记簿吗? Do you have a pen and notebook handy?
- 她身上有一种天生的魅力。 She carries with her the charm that comes natural to her.
- 你有红钢笔吗? Have you a red pen?
- 那儿有钢笔、铅笔等杂七杂八的东西。 There is a motley assortment of pens and pencils and so on.
- 哦 你身上有根头发。 Oops. You got a hair.
- 这些是你的钢笔吗? Are these your pens?
- 这是钢笔吗? Is this a pen?
- 分步在温带到热带的林地和草地的蛇,身上有黄色或略带红色的条纹。 yellow- or reddish-striped snake of temperate woodlands and grasslands to tropics.
- 你有钢笔字贴吗? Have you the book of pen-calligraphy?
- 我能用你的钢笔吗? Can I use your pen?
- 当他与你说话的时候,他能往你身上施加一种实实在在的魔法。 He is one of the men who lasts a kind of physical spell on you while he has you by the ear.
- 伯理:哎哟,不好,牠身上有跳蚤。真不知是从哪里惹来的。 Perry: Oh no! She's got fleas. I wonder where she picked them up.