- 你读过他的自传吗? Have you read his autobiography?
- 你读过他的自传吗? Have you read his autobiography?
- 你读过马克·吐温的作品吗?我想多读些他的作品。 Have you read anything by Mark Twain? I want to read more by him.
- 你读过他的作品吗? Have you read his writings?
- 你可以在他的自传中找找,你会发现他根本没提到他的第一位到妻子。 You can search through his autobiography without finding a single reference to his first wife.
- 你看过我的自传吗? Did you read my autobiography?
- 他的自传是一个人的成名故事,他出身低微。最后成为一家跨国公司的拥有者。 His autobiography is a success story about a man from a humble back ground who became the owner of an international company.
- 你读过他写的报告吗? Have you read the report written by him?
- “在家做什么,写自传吗? "What do you do at home? Writing an autobiography?"
- 哪一本书你读过了? Which book have you read?
- 每一项工作都是那个人的自画像,以工作的品质来写你的自传吧。 Every job is a self - portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with guality.
- "爱因斯坦的书你读得怎样了?" "刚开始读懂。" "How're you coming along on Einstein?" "It's just starting to clear up a bit."
- 在见过他的父母之后,朱丽对自己的男朋友有了全面了解。 After meeting his parents, Julie got the picture about her boyfriend.
- 我料想各位都读过狄更斯著的《雾都孤儿》,从书中得悉老的职业扒手如何训练新手。 I suppose you have all read in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens how green hands were taught by the old professionals.
- 在午夜和凌晨3点钟这段时间他会用来写他的自传《在工作中奋进》。 Wrote most of his recent autobiography, Work in Progress, in the hours between midnight and 3 am. "
- 他会不声不响安稳地过他的日子的。 He'll settle down quiet enough.
- 你读今天的报纸了吗? Have you read today's newspaper?
- 大多数当代的书给人的印象好像一天就生产出来,从以前读过的书。 Most contemporary books give the impression of having been manufactured in a day, out of books read the day before.
- 汤姆和他的孪生兄弟,你认得出谁是谁吗? Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?
- 你看过他的童话吗? Have you read any of his fairy tales?