- 你该如何定义真实? How do you define real?
- 当逆境找上门来时,你该如何反应? When adversity knocks on your door,how do you respond?
- 你负责机场安检。有位外宾向你咨询那些物品需要报关,你该如何回答? You are responsible for the airport security check. A foreign visitor asks you about which items need to be declared, how do you answer?
- 真实 true
- 现在喝咖啡的人口创下有史以来新高,我们到底该如何定义一杯完美的咖啡? With coffee consumption at an all-time high, how exactly does one define the perfect cup of java?
- 当灯熄灭的时候,你该如何判断要扳哪一个手柄? How do you tell which handle to turn when the light goes out ?
- 写作时你该在书名下画线。 In writing you should underline titles of books.
- "当逆境找上门来时,你该如何反应? " When adversity knocks on your door,how do you respond?
- 让你七杆你该有获胜的机会。 With a seven stroke handicap you should have a sporting chance of winning.
- 既然我把手推车送给你了,你该把这块木板给我才对。” "I have given you my wheelbarrow, so you should give me your plank."""
- 我们该如何承救公司脱离困境呢? How can we extricate the firm from this trouble?
- 下面咱们拿李明的报告来做个例子看看我们该如何来写。 Now, let's take Li Ming's report as an example to learn how to write ours. Listen and repeat.
- 妈不耐烦地说道:"你该上床去了"。 "You ought to be in bed," Mother said shortly.
- 法兰:糟糕!你该不会一下不留神告诉他谁是她的新男友吧? Fran: Oh, no! Did you slip up and tell him who her new boyfriend is?
- 我该如何开头? How do I start it?
- 你该听听玛格丽特为接待顾客所操的上流社会的口音,真是滑稽得要命。 You should hear the upper-class accent Margaret puts on for the benefit of customers. It's enough to make a cat laugh.
- 我该如何去续签护照? How do I go about renewing my passport?
- 现在是不是你该不喜欢这种小孩子行为的时候了? Isn't it time you grew out of such childish practices?
- 该如何改变颓势呢? How can the situation be reversed?
- 你该留下来看一看他们以他的权威是多么的必恭必敬。 You shall stay and see what a deference they pay to his authority.