- 你认为这很有趣? You think this is all for fun?
- 乔纳,我不明白为什么你认为这很困难。 Jonah, I don't understand why you think it's so difficult.
- 这很奇怪哦,你认为这还会影响到你的英文口音吗? That's weird, do you think that's what's affecting your English accent?
- 你认为这很可能吗? Do you think it' s probable ?
- 发觉这个妙计非常有用; 认为这本书很有趣 Found the gadget surprisingly useful; found the book entertaining.
- 你认为这次他会被提升吗? Do you think he will be promoted this time?
- 这很有趣啊, matthew This is interesting, Matthew.
- 你认为这次边境事件会引起一场全面战争吗? Do you think the border incident will bring on a full-scale war?
- 我认为这条赛道很有趣。 FM: I think it is fun.
- 你认为这是个好主意? Do you think that's a good idea?
- “谢谢你,那十分肯定了,”他说,他站起来,把透镜放到口袋了。“喂,看这很有趣的东西!” "Thank you. That is quite settled," said he, rising and putting his lens in his pocket. "Hullo! Here is something interesting!"
- 你认为这是杰作吗? Do you think it was a masterpiece?
- 你认为这主意怎么样? Do you think how this idea is?
- 你认为这事我们需要告诉他们吗? Do you think we need tell them about it?
- 你认为这项提议怎样? What's your opinion of the motion?
- 你认为这事可能吗? Do you think it likely/that it is likely?
- 我认为这很对。 I think that's quite right.
- 你认为这是个好主意吗? Do you think it is a good idea?
- 你认为这周完成工作可能吗? Do you think it possible to finish the work this week?
- 发觉这个妙计非常有用;认为这本书很有趣。 Found the gadget surprisingly useful; found the book entertaining.