- 你认为该怎么处理呢? How do you suggest this be handled?
- 你认为这些东西我该如何处理呢? How do you think I should dispose of these things?
- 我该怎么处理呢? What can I do with them?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 你认为该买就可以买。 You may purchase it as you see good.
- 你认为我该怎么做呢? What do you advise me to do?
- 政府抑制通胀有方,此话不假,可是对失业问题又怎么处理呢? This government has a good record on inflation,I give you that,but what is it doing about unemployment?
- 你认为该怎样来进行这次谈判呢? How would you like to proceed with the negotiations?
- 我应该怎么处理你的信件? How should I deal with your letter?
- 如果你这样说的话,那么你认为该球员真切希望获得冠军头衔。 If you say this you think that the player really wants to win the title.
- 开车上班时碰到了粗暴的驾驶行为,佛会怎么处理呢? When driving to work, what would he do about road rage?
- 为了不让你认为该影片暴力性太强,我得先消除你的这一疑虑。 Lest you think the film is too violent, I must assure you that it is not.
- 我该怎么处理这文件? What am I supposed to do with the documents?
- 我把她视为机会主义者。为什么你认为我是行为粗暴的那一类人呢 I pegged her as an opportunist. Why do you have me pegged as the rowdy one?
- 我该怎么说呢? How shall I put it?
- 你打算继续忠实于你妻子吗?我也认为该这样! You intend to remain faithful to your wife after all? I should think so too!
- 但是那些不能加工成灵魂反射器的灵魂底片应该怎么处理呢? But what can you do with those soul plates that can't be forged into soul reflectors?
- 你认为神有可能处理你最大的忧虑吗? Do you think it is possible that God could handle your biggest worry?
- 我已经忘了这该怎么做,你肯提醒我一下吗? I've forgotten how to do this; will you remind me?
- 如果病人吞服了水银该怎样处理呢? How do you treat that if the patients swallow the mercury?