- 你认为她唱的歌怎么样? What do you think of the song sung by her?
- 她唱的那支下雨的歌以及她大惊小怪的喊叫声,仅仅是个序曲。 Her little song about the rain, her cries of surprise, had been only a preliminary.
- 你认为她怎么样? How do you think about her?
- 你认为她的新小说怎么样? What do you think of her new novel?
- 那些年轻人喜欢她唱的那些节奏强劲的歌。 The young kids like the songs swung by her.
- 你认为她准备好了做家庭主妇吗? Do you think she is prepared to settle for being a housewife?
- 威尼斯船夫曲威尼斯刚朵拉船夫所唱的表现划船韵律的歌 A Venetian gondolier's song with a rhythm suggestive of rowing.
- 问:如果继续走开源路线,你认为将会面临的最大危险是什么? What do you see as the greatest danger to the continuing adoption and progress of open source?
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 听着我们唱的歌。 Play that song, you and I listened to.
- 你认为她是舞蹈家的材料吗? Do you think she is got it in her to be a dancer ?
- 你认为这种图案怎么样? How do you like this design?
- 为庆祝婚礼而唱的歌;新婚喜歌 a song in celebration of a wedding; an epithalamium
- 你认为她准备接受任何工作吗? Do you think she is prepared to settle for any kind of work?
- 请写下编码和您要唱的歌名。 Please write down the code and the name of the song you wish to sing.
- 你认为这部新电影怎么样? What do you think about the new movie?
- 她唱了一支歌。 She sang a song.
- “嗯,闻起来有点像桃花的香味,的确不错,你认为呢?”费罗斯笑眯眯地说。 Smells sort of like peach blossoms," said Old Man Fellows.""Kind of nice,isn't it?"
- 我把我唱的歌录到这盘歌带里了。 I recorded the songs I sung on this cassette.
- 你认为她在讲实话吗? Do you think she's telling the truth?