- 你认为在学院里辛苦? Do they make you work like a dog?
- 在学院里,我主修自然科学。你主修什么? In college I majored in science. What was your major?
- 你认为这张价格单能使妈妈从她那希望在乡下拥有一栋大房子的梦想中清醒吗? Do you think that this price list will waken Mother from her dreams of owning a large house in the country?
- 辛普森先生,您认为在六个月内发展一个新的生产系列可能吗? Mr. Simpson,do you think it's possible to have a new range in production within six weeks?
- 在学院里我主修有机化学。 In college I specialize in organic chemistry.
- 你认为学生会对这些现代哲学思潮感兴趣吗? Do you think the students will plug in to these modem philosophy trend?
- 我们并不认为在此地所刻画的形象是逼真的,我们只说它近似而已。 We do not claim that the portrait herewith presented is probable; we confine ourselves to stating that it resembles the original.
- 你认为这项计划明智吗? Do you deem this plan sensible?
- 在一所学院里教数学。 He teaches maths at a college.
- 你认为这些小树不久就会长出叶吗? De you think these little trees will put froth before long?
- 你认为现在的小孩很懒? Do you think kids nowadays are lazy?
- 我认为在你行动前应再咨询一下其他人。 I think you should ask for a second opinion before your operation.
- 你认为可能是银行犯了错误的吗? Do you think it is possible that the bank made a mistake?
- 当然我并不希望使人们认为在科学管理方式之下从来不会有任何争执。 Of course I do not wish to be understood that there are never any quarrels under scientific management.
- 你认为怎样最好就怎样去做。 Do as you think best.
- 你认为砂糖可以替代蜂蜜吗? Can you think sugar will substitute for honey?
- 我认为在保持道德标准的同时获得成功不但是可能的,而且这也是惟一的途径。 Not only do I think it's possible to succeed while maintaining ethical standards,I think it's the only way.
- 你认为好天气能持续下去吗? Do you think the good weather can hold?
- 你认为当代最伟大的音乐家是谁? Who would you name as the greatest musician of our times?
- 你认为人生就是一连串愉快的事情吗? Do you think life is a sequence of agreeable events?