- 你认为你在哪里得的病? Where do you think you got sick?
- 你认为你怎么得的病? How do you think you got sick?
- 为什么你认为你合适这个职位?能将你和别人区别开来的地方在哪里? Why do you think you are suitable for this position, and what differentiates you from other candidates?
- 我认为你在学习上取得的进步是微不足道的,没有任何理由值得这样大吹大擂。 I don't see any ground for you to crow your heads off like that when the achievement in your studies is negligible.
- 你认为你现在在哪里?在比赛跑道上吗? Where do you think you are ? On a race track ?
- 如果你在会上把心里的话都说出来,你会觉得舒畅得多。 You'll feel a lot better if you shoot your wad at the meeting.
- 无论你在哪里做广播节目,你都要让你的节目适合这个地方。 Every place that you do radio programs,you should adapt your program to the place.
- 你认为你能干这个吗?哦,我很可能干得了。 Do you think you can do it? Well, probably I can.
- 你还得做些试验,一周后再来。那时我们要开始对你的病进行确切的治疗。 There are some tests you'll have to get done and we'll see you in one week. At that time we'll start on a definite therapy for you condition.
- 植入到你的网站,你的独特从属环节,你认为在哪里. Ingrain into your website, your unique affiliate links, wherever you see fit.
- 你认为你在公司的职位与你的能力相当吗? Do you feel you were placed in a position compatible with your skills? If not, explain the reason please.
- 问题:你在哪里可以看到广告?什么样的广告能给你留下深刻的印象? Question: Where can you see advertisements? What kind of advertisements can leave a deep impression on you?
- 你认为你能说服他吗? Do you think you can ever bring him over?
- 一个星期以来,你在咱们的厨房里把一切搞得乱七八糟。 Here you have been keeping up a perfect hurrah's nest in our kitchen for a week.
- 你认为你能为我搞到些廉价的威士忌酒吗? Do you think you can lay hold of some cheap whiskey for me?
- 因此也许你在设计你的虚拟化身的时候不要设计得太奇怪会有好处。 So it probably pays not to be too fanciful when designing your avatar.
- 江:你认为它的价值在哪里? Jiang:k Wh xere do you think its value lies?
- 如果他认为你肯付的话,他会毫无顾忌地向你索要双倍价钱。 He will not scruple to charge you double its value if he think you'd pay.
- 你认为最好将广告预算花费在哪里? How are you analyzing where best to spend your advertising budget?
- 这就变得有趣了:昨晚我看见和你在一起的不是朱迪,那会是谁呢? The plot thickens: if it wasn't Judy I saw you with last night,who was it?