- 你认为他们今年会赢吗? Do you think they'll be able to win it all this year?
- “你认为他们会赢吗?”“得了吧!他们连一个像样的运动员都没有。” 'Do you think they'll win?' 'Do me a favour! They haven't got a single decent player.'
- 你认为我们会赢吗? You think we'll be the winners?
- 你认为他们会爽快同意我们的提议吗? Do you think they will be agreeable to our proposal?
- 如果你认为他们值得称赞,那你就看错人了。 You will put the boot on the wrong leg if you think they deserve the credit.
- 你肯定他们会赢吗? Do you know for sure that they will win?
- 你认为他们有共同语言吗? Do you think they speak the same language?
- 你还可以为申花队会赢吗? Do you still think Shen Hua will win?
- 你认为他们的哪首歌最有名? Do you think which English song of theirs is the most famous?
- 你认为今年谁会赢超级杯? Who do you think will win the superbowl this year?
- 你认为他们应在哪放自行车呢? Where do you think they should put their bikes?
- 你怎么看欧洲联队与韩国的比赛?你想到欧洲会赢吗? What do you think about the match Europe vs Korea? Did you expect Europe to win?
- 你认为他们在说什么?的闲话了。 A: What do you think they are saying to each other? B: They must be gossiping about our new CEO again.
- 他们一定会赢吗? Is it certain that they will win?
- 你认为谁会在奥斯卡颁奖典礼赢得今年的最佳男主角? Who do you think is going to win the Academy Award, umm. I mean, Best Actor at the Oscars this year?
- 你认为他们在找我们吗? You think they're looking for us?
- 你可以十分肯定他们队会赢。 You can bet your bottom dollar that their team will win.
- 克林顿先生决定竞选总统,你认为他能赢吗? Small talk A: Mr. Clinton has decided to run for the President. Do you think he will win?
- 你认为他们做这试验值得吗? Do you consider it worthwhile for them to make that experiment?
- 你认为华盛顿球队会赢, Washington is going to win. Michael Jordan will make the last shot. He is money. L