- 你觉得你能快点儿吗? Do you think you could go a little faster?
- 你觉得你能涨工资吗? Do you think you'll get a raise?
- 你能快点儿吗?我很着急! Would you step on it? I'm in a hurry!
- 爸爸,你觉得你能行能走路吗? Do you feel up to a walk today, Dad?
- 能快点儿吗?我恐怕要错过飞机了。 Could you please speed up? I'm afraid I might miss the fights.
- 你觉得你的新工作怎样? How do you like your new job?
- 你觉得怎么样? What do you think of it?
- 我刚煮好咖啡--你能抽空儿喝点儿吗? I've just made some coffee have you time for a quickie?
- 你觉得你校图书馆如何? Is the university library supportive in your studies?
- 可是谁帮你收拾啊?你能不能快点儿啊?我饿着呢。 And who's going to clean up after you? Hurry up will you? I'm starving.
- 你觉得你能够改掉这个坏习惯吗? Do you think you can give up the bad habit?
- 我希望能快点儿收到你的信。 I look to hear from you soon.
- 你觉得你应该奖赏他人的辛劳和奉献。 Do you feel that you should reward others for their hard work and dedication?
- 你能把名字写大点儿吗?我的视力不太好。 Can you please write your name in big letters; you know I have difficulty with my eyesight.
- 你觉得你个人来说,比处子赛季有进步么? Do you feel you've made some personal progress since your rookie season?
- 我听不清你说什么,能离我近点儿吗? I can't hear you, come a bit closer.
- 你觉得你背部那块儿疼?只是在中间还是两边也都疼? Doctor: In which are of your back do you feel pain? Only in the middle, or on the sides also?
- 你能让我们暂住一夜吗? Can you lodge us for the night?
- 与之相关的问题是,你觉得你需要什么来更接近获得冠军? CB: In connection with that, if you were asked, what do you think would you need to get closer to a championship?
- 你要是坐小车去就能快点儿到。 It's quicker if you arrive by car.