- 你觉得你的新工作怎样? How do you like your new job?
- 你觉得你的新工作怎么样? What do you think of your new job?
- 你觉得你的新工作怎样? How do you like your new job?
- 你觉得你的工作节奏怎么样?是否很快可以适应新的环境? How is your working cadence? Can you quickly suit the new environment?
- 总而言之,如果你觉得你正在承受着巨大的压力,我建议你应该想想如何使你的情商得到开发。 As a conclusion, if you are feeling that you are too stressed, I encourage you to look at how you could develop your Emotional Intelligence further.
- 我十分羡慕你的新工作。 I am very envious of your new job.
- 有没有一些人你并不在意,你觉得你比他们强?那么,同样地你需要提高你的自尊。 Is there anyone in your life you look down upon, anyone you believe is less than you? Then again, your self-esteem needs work.
- 你的新马达运转得怎样? How is your new motor behaving?
- 你会选哪三个名人做你在该学校的同学或舍友。为什么?你觉得你从他们身上可以学到什么? Choose three figures from history or literature whom you would like to have as classmates or dormmates. Explain your choices and what you believe you would learn from each other.
- 你的新工作进展怎么样? How are you getting on with your new job?
- 你觉得你原来的上司怎样? What do you think of your supervisor?
- 你喜欢你的新工作吗? Do you like your new job?
- 你觉得你是来。 Listen, you think you can just show up.
- 你的新房子和你的旧房子比起来怎样? How does your new house compare with your old one?
- 你觉得你会再婚吗? Do you think you will remarry?
- 你认为你的新工作怎麽样? How do you find your new job?
- 如果你不这么做,你的坚持果断只会让人觉得你是个可怕的陌生人。 Your determination and decisiveness will only make people feel that you are a scary stranger.
- 你觉得你能涨工资吗? Do you think you'll get a raise?
- 我很羡慕你的这个新工作。 I'm very jealous of your new job.
- 你觉得你校图书馆如何? Is the university library supportive in your studies?