- 你要理什么样的发式? How would you like me to cut it?
- 您要理个什么样的发式? How do you want to have your hair cut?
- 很好,你想理什么样的发型呢?先生? Very well,and how would you like your haircut,sir?
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 请您坐这儿好吗?想理什么样的?可您的头发已经很短了。 Will you sit here, please? How would you like it cut?
- 我的上帝,从我满溢的生命之杯中,你要饮什么样的圣酒呢? What divine drink wouldst thou have, my God, from this overflowing cup of my life?
- 落笔之前,先要理清思路。 Get your ideas into some sort of order before beginning to write.
- 你要学会谦虚谨慎。 You must school yourself to be modest and prudent.
- 工作千头万绪,要理出个轻重缓急来。 With thousands of tasks on our hands, we should arrange them in order of priority.
- 只要一个人有正常的判断能力,读什么样的书没有多大关系。 It matter little what kind of book one read, so long as one have sound judgment.
- 你要找的商行在大桥街。 The establishment you are looking for is in Bridge Street.
- 你要我来除去鱼的内脏吗? Would you like me to gill the fish?
- 你要吗? Do you want it?
- 你要西红柿吗? Do you need tomato?
- 当你要洗澡时,打开水龙头。 When you want a bath,you turn on the tap.
- 你要什么啤酒? What kinds of ale would you like?
- 你要振奋精神。 You should inspire enthusiasm.
- 你要试一试它吗? Would you like to give it a whirl?
- 把你要做的事概括地叙述一下。 Sketch out what you intend to do.
- 你要一般尺寸的还是特大尺寸的? Do you want regular or king size?