- 你要点阿斯匹灵药片吗? Would you like some aspirin?
- 她吃了一片阿斯匹灵以解头痛。 She took an aspirin to relieve her headache.
- 乔伊:这里的总汇三明治好像不错。你要不要点一个试试看? Joey: The club sandwich here sounds good. Do ypu want to try one?
- 你要点别的什么吗? Would you like anything else?
- 两片阿斯匹灵 two tablets of aspirin
- 你要点什么饮料佐餐? What would you like to drink with the meal?
- 给孩子服阿斯匹灵 dose the boy with aspirin
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 阿斯匹灵减轻了他的头痛。 The aspirin eased his headache.
- 你要点酒吗? Would you like to check out our wine list?
- 你要学会谦虚谨慎。 You must school yourself to be modest and prudent.
- 阿斯匹灵 aspirin
- 你要找的商行在大桥街。 The establishment you are looking for is in Bridge Street.
- 然后你要点击电子邮件图标。 Then you have to click on the E-mail icon.
- 他只会配阿斯匹灵给每一个人。 He just doses out aspirin to everybody.
- 你要到哪里去? You will go where?
- 他服用阿斯匹灵以医治感冒。 He fought off a cold by taking aspirin.
- 你要我来除去鱼的内脏吗? Would you like me to gill the fish?
- 你想要点什么菜下酒吗? Would you like anything to go with your drinks?
- 太少人因为心脏健康服用阿斯匹灵 Too Few Take Aspirin for Heart Health