- 你要打叫人电话吗? Do you want to make personal call?
- 我要打叫人电话给George bradley先生。 I 'd like to make a person - to - person call to Mr. George Bradley.
- 我要打到伦敦的叫人电话好吗? Can I fix an overseas call to London by person-to-person call?
- 如何打叫人电话? How to dial the person-to-person call?
- 你要打在我的手臂上吗? Do you want to give me the injection in my arm?
- 我想打叫人电话到日本。 I want to make an overseas personal call to Japan.
- 你要叫人理解的要点是什么? What point are you trying to get across?
- 你要打屁股么? Do you want to be spanked.
- 你要再吃点沙锅菜吗? Would you like some more casserole?
- 我能打一个叫人电话吗?芝加哥643555。 Can I have a personal call to Chicago 643555?
- 汤姆: 告诉柜台后面的人你要什么。 Tell me man behind the counter what you want.
- 你要打他吗? Are you gonna beat him?
- 请问叫人电话的价钱怎么算? What's the rate for person-to-person calls?
- 你要出国念书吗 Are you going abroad to study?
- 你能告诉格林先生我给他打了个电话吗? Would you tell Mr. Green that I called?
- 我要打人电报。 I want to send a wire.
- 最便宜的是叫号电话,然后是叫人电话。 The cheapest is a station- to- station call,then a person- to- person call.
- 你要修面和洗头吗? Would you like a shave or shampoo?
- 这不是你要的电话号码。 No, this is not the number you want.
- 快躲进仓库里,你父亲要打你。 Take to the store! Your father is going to beat you.